101 The Airborne Invasion of Normandy Addendum to the Manual Table of Contents I. Map Key II. Campaign World III. The Diary and Joined Team IV. The Health Bar and Incapacitation V. Jammed Weapons VI. The Scoring System VII. The Network Game VIII. Patrolling (F9 Auto-walk) IX. Motivating Your Men X. Searching XI. Task Switching XII. The 101 Gaming System I. Map Key The F5 keystroke brings up the map key screen showing the major terrain features in the game. II. Campaign World Each of the nine single player campaigns in 101 are played out on a 6x7 map grid. This is a 42- map "world" for that campaign. The overview strategic map, the one you access at HQ or by right clicking on the tactical map in game play, is the assigned area of operations for your stick. To add to the feeling of being lost and to more accurately portray what actually happened to the paratroopers, the actual area of operations can be offset from the assigned area be one row or column of maps. This could be left, right, top, or bottom or any combination thereof (left-top, left-bottom, right-top, right-bottom). Or, if you are truly blessed, then you may land within your assigned area of operations and have no offset. As would be expected, these offsets are not portrayed on the strategic map - the paratroopers were only given detailed maps for their Area of Operations. III. The Diary and Joined Team In the diary, any soldiers or resistance fighters you pickup along the way will be listed under the heading Joined Team. Any paratroopers who were members of your original stick who were separated and later found will not be listed under the Joined Team heading as they were members of the original stick. IV. The Health Bar and Incapacitation The health bar on the main information bar, does not show total health. It shows the amount of damage that can be done before the soldier is incapacitated and can no longer function as a combatant. The amount of damage for incapacitation is usually 250 hit points (HP) of damage out of a maximum of 1000 possible (dead). We say usually, because we also model debilitating wounds such as broken bones and critical area wounds such as major arterial hits, heart and brain, etc. Although these do small amounts of damage to the overall body, they can kill or disable you with small HP damage. Trust the player status display on the soldier bar as our wound model is very realistic and well tested. V. Jammed Weapons As with almost all aspects of 101, jammed weapon modeling is realistically represented. You will notice and may swear at the clear jam function from time to time. Be forewarned that clearing a jam may cause you to lose precious ammo or the remainder of a clip. VI. The Scoring System If there is one thing that beta testing brought to our attention, it was the scoring model. Most testers found it difficult to achieve a decent score. We toyed with the idea of changing the model, but settled for this addendum. If you perform as well as the 101st Airborne actually did, then your score will reflect this fact. If you perform much worse, then your score will also reflect that performance. Actual squad level strategies will allow you the strong chance of winning (of course, there is some luck involved - ask our designer - it took him three tries before he could successfully complete the Main Objective in Campaign 2!). VII. The Network Game If you are going to play the network game via modem, then you will need to set this up manually through Windows © dial-up adapter. The game handles all multi-player modes through TCP/IP and Windows© Chat Mode in the Network Game was F10, but changed to F11 at the very last moment. Press F11, type your message and hit Enter to send it to your opponent. VIII. Patrolling (F9 Auto-walk) One of the two great strengths added to the turn based engine is Patrolling (the other is Group Move). To set a player for auto-walk, give them a walk command, then set their destination anywhere you would like on the map. When they finish their current turn, instead of clicking on end turn, press F9. The soldier will now continue walking towards the destination you assigned without any interference from you. Three things will interrupt his movement: 1) If the soldier spots an enemy unit or some other significant object. 2) If the soldier reaches his destination. 3) If you press F9 during one of the soldier's turns (you turn off auto-walk). The great benefit for the auto-walk command is to have your squad patrol a map. Set them all to auto walk an area with several yards (tiles) between them. In this way, you can search an area or a map for an equipment bag or even enemy units. IX. Motivating Your Men You may motivate broken men. If one soldier is unable to motivate another soldier, then check their Leadership Abilities (Ldr). Only men with higher Ldr may motivate men with a lower Ldr. As you progress through the game, this may mean that men of lower ranks gain confidence and leadership skills and can motivate men of a higher rank. Likewise, your highest ranked men may not be able to motivate their charges. X. Searching The search icon on the command menu may be used to search bodies and prisoners. Use this often, as you may find orders on the soldier that may lead you to another mission. You may also find letters the soldiers have received from home or were writing to send home. Most of these letters were taken from actual GI or German letters. XI. Task Switching If you have problems task switching, try setting your monitor to a lower resolution. With the variety of hardware options available, we can not guarantee that high-resolution settings will task switch properly. If you have a problem, then you are in the minority - but we wanted to make you aware of the possibility of conflicts. XII. The 101 Gaming System We hope you enjoy playing 101 as much as we did developing it. Not only do we feel we have a strong squad level tactical combat engine, but a pretty fair adventure game engine as well. During a campaign, you can come upon soldiers, civilians, and enemy units that may lead you on other missions - up to two secondary missions per campaign. But be forewarned shooting the officer that surrenders to your men may keep you from another mission. He may have had information that would allow you to complete a secondary mission. Just as in real life, the decisions you make will affect the future events of your troops. Plan wisely, use caution, be aggressive, and have fun! 101 Airborne requires DirectX to run. This is stored in the DirectX folder on the root of the CD. Two different versions are available for Windows 95 & Windows 98. 101 Airborne will not run if your desktop is set to 16 colours, please set your desktop to a higher resolution. Using the spacebar in game may cause problems with your game we would recommend not using this key. For your enjoyment we have included a cheat to allow you to remove all the parachutes at once typing `PrisonPod` in game will activate this cheat. This may stop your enjoyment of 101 Airborne.