---------------------------- Fisher-Price 1-2-3's v1.0c ---------------------------- Congratulations on your purchase of Fisher-Price 1-2-3's! To supply you with up-to-the-minute information, we have included the following information. During normal game play the opening speeches of each of the characters cannot be bypassed with a mouse click the first time you hear them. If for any reason you wish to bypass the character's introductions, you can press the spacebar once. Special Note: If you Alt-Tab between applications, please be sure to use the program icon entitled Fisher-Price 123's rather than the "Atlas Game System" Icon. FISHER-PRICE 1-2-3'S ICONS -------------------------- We have included a number of utility programs in the Fisher-Price 1-2-3's Program Group that will help you get the most out of your program. 1. Parent Tips: Teaching children is very important to Davidson. For this reason, we've included specially designed on-line Parent Tips explaining the educational philosophy behind each activity, why we designed each activity the way we did, and what you can expect your child to learn while playing. We've also given you many ideas on activities that you can do together with your child to extend the learning experience. 2. The Fun Counting Book: We've also included a Fun Book with pages of counting activities to print and work on when children are not at the computer. To print a cover with your child's name on it, choose Print All Pages from the File menu. You can also import the .BMP files into your favorite painting or drawing program and color them right on the computer. The Counting Book files are located on your CD-ROM, under the directory FUNBOOK. NOTE: Your painting/drawing program must support the .BMP format. If you are running Print Manager and experience printing problems with the Counting Book, try turning off the Print Manager. To do this, open up your Main program group, double-click on the Control Panels icon, double click on the Printers icon, and at the bottom of the dialogue box, make sure there is no "X" in the "Use Print Manager" box. 3. Davidson's Product Previews: If you want to see some previews of other great Davidson products, click on this icon to install the Davidson Product Previews. NOTE: A separate program group will be created for the Previews. Please use the icon in the Davidson Product Previews program group to start the Previews. NOTE: You can only run the Product Previews if Fisher-Price 1-2-3's is not currently running. Make sure you exit Fisher-Price 1-2-3's before starting the Product Previews. 4. Performance Tips: This text file contains helpful information about making your system run faster. If you experience performance problems, consult this file to see what kind of changes you can make on your system to improve performance. 5. Change Sound Settings: We have determined the optimum sound settings for most computers, but you may have a configuration that requires different settings. We've included this utility to change sound settings for just that purpose. Just double-click on the icon and follow the instructions on changing your sound settings. If one doesn't work, you can always change them again. Experiment with the different settings to see which one works best for your system. ERROR MESSAGES -------------- If you get a "WORKING DIRECTORY IS INVALID" or "CANNOT FIND APPLICATION" message: Make sure that your Fisher-Price 1-2-3's CD-ROM is in your CD-ROM drive and that your CD-ROM drive is turned on and functioning properly. If you receive a message stating that files are missing when you launch Fisher-Price 1-2-3's please run Setup again to re-install the missing files. If you receive a message during installation that says you need more memory to run the program, you may need to increase your Virtual Memory. See PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS below for instructions on changing your Virtual Memory size. If you receive a message during installation that says you screen resolution is 1024x768 or higher, you should change your screen resolution before running Fisher-Price 1-2-3's. We recommend a screen resolution of 640x480 and 256 colors. Refer to your video card's manual for information on changing your screen resolution and colors. If you experience any other problems, make sure that you are not running any other applications, including virus checkers or screen savers. Run a resolution of 640x480 and 256 colors for optimum performance. SPECIAL INTERESTS ----------------- TANDY SENSATION USERS: ---------------------- Tandy's WinMate system does not automatically create the Fisher- Price 1-2-3's icons or launch our program. We suggest disabling WinMate and running directly from Windows. If you have further questions about Tandy's WinMate, please call Tandy Technical Support at (817) 878-6875. WinMate is a registered trademark of the Tandy Corporation. KIDDESK, NORTON DESKTOP, PCTOOLS, TABWORKS OR OTHER WINDOWS PROGRAM SHELLS: ----------------------------------------------------------- We do not recommend running Fisher-Price 1-2-3's under a desktop other than Windows. Running the program through an alternate desktop could result in slower performance. If you experience slow performance please exit your desktop and run Fisher-Price 1-2-3's through Windows. You may also experience problems installing Fisher-Price 1-2-3's through your Alternate desktop. If so, we recommend exiting your desktop and running Fisher-Price 1-2-3's through Windows. To change the program shell: 1. First make a back up of your SYSTEM.INI file. Make NO changes to this file until you have an accessible backup in case you encounter problems. 2. Using the Windows Accessory Notepad (or any other text only editor), open the SYSTEM.INI file located in the C:\WINDOWS directory. 3. Under the heading [boot], find the section "Shell=". 4. Place a ";" in front of this line and then insert a carriage return and type the line again without the ";". 5. Change the new shell= line to "shell=progman.exe". When you are finished the lines should look as follows: ;shell=XXXXXXX shell=progman.exe Save the file and re-start Windows. Then click on the Fisher-Price 1-2-3's icon, or run the installation program. To return to your original program shell: 1. Open the SYSTEM.INI file using your text editor. 2. Delete the ";" in front of the old shell=XXXXXXX". 3. Place a ";" in front of the line which reads "shell=progman.exe". 4. Save the file and re-start Windows. PC TOOLS VSAFE and MS-DOS VSAFE: -------------------------------- PC Tools VSAFE or MS-DOS 6.0 VSAFE may interfere with the install process. To disable VSAFE before installing Fisher-Price 1-2-3's, exit Windows and type VSAFE /U, then press Enter. Restart your computer after installation of Fisher-Price 1-2-3's to turn PC Tools VSAFE or MS-DOS VSAFE back on. VIDEO PROBLEMS -------------- GRAPHICS PROBLEMS: ------------------ 1. If your video driver is not set to 256 colors and you experience graphics problems, please switch your video driver to 256 colors. Consult your video card manual for instructions on changing your video driver. 2. If you are running a resolution higher than 640x480 and you experience graphics problems, please switch your video display resolution to 640x480. Consult your video card manual for instructions on changing your screen's resolution. 3. If you are running a screen saver in the background and experience video problems during the game, disable the screen saver and the problem should be solved. ATI MACH VIDEO CARDS: --------------------- If you are using the ATI video card and driver which utilizes the Flex Desk Utility (located in the Main program group) to change your video resolution, be sure that the Device Bitmaps option is checked "off". To change this setting: 1. Double click on the Flex Desk Icon. 2. Click on the "Advanced" button at the first dialog. 3. Click on the "Off" radio button under the heading "Device Bitmaps". 4. Choose OK twice to exit Flex Desk. 5. Re-start Windows. OR If the Device Bitmaps option is not in your Flex Desk Utility version: 6. Double click on File Manager (located in the Main program group) 7. Click on the Windows directory 8. Double click on the win.ini file 9. Under the "[Mach]" section heading, set DeviceBitmap=off For more information about video drivers, please consult your Windows documentation. You may also download current video drivers from the Microsoft BBS if you have a modem and suitable communications package. The Microsoft BBS number is 510-736-8343. SOUND PROBLEMS -------------- AUDIO BREAK-UP: --------------- If you experience audio breakup during game play, you can change the audio settings for Fisher-Price 1-2-3's. We have included a Change Sound Settings utility in the Fisher-Price 1-2-3's program group. Just double- click on the icon, and choose a different setting. If the new settings do not work well for you, you can always change them back using this utility. ENSONIQ SOUND CARDS: -------------------- If you experience sound problems with the Ensoniq sound card: 1. Click on the Control Panel Icon from the Main program group. 2. Click on the Drivers Icon. 3. Select "Soundscape DVD MIDI, WAVE, AUX." 4. Under the section "Wave Playback DMA," set "Wave A" to "O." 5. Click on the "Test" button and verify that the status line at the bottom says "Driver OK." 6. Choose "OK." 7. Exit the Control Panel by double clicking on the upper left menu bar. 8. You may have to re-start Windows if changes were made. For further information, contact Ensoniq at (610) 647-3930. PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS -------------------- IF THE PROGRAM IS VERY SLOW: ---------------------------- Close any unnecessary applications, that may be running. Also be sure you are running Windows in enhanced mode and that the Virtual memory settings are active. To check the Virtual memory settings: 1. Click on the Control Panel Icon from the Main Menu 2. Click on the 386 Enhanced Icon 3. Choose Virtual memory and verify the settings. We require enough Virtual memory to set your available Windows memory above 6000 Kb. On a 4Mb machine you usually need a swap file of 5000 Kb or more. 4. To make changes to the settings, consult your Windows documentation. IF YOU RECEIVE AN INSUFFICIENT MEMORY OR INSUFFICIENT RESOURCES MESSAGE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Increase the size of Window's virtual memory (see above). Also, make sure that the virtual memory is set to permanent. For more detailed information about virtual memory, consult your Windows documentation. If you are using a shell other than the Windows Program Manager, please follow the instructions above to change your program shell to the Program Manager. PROGRAM DOES NOT RUN FROM FILE MANAGER OR COMMAND LINE: ------------------------------------------------------- Fisher-Price 1-2-3's must be run with a command line parameter in order to launch. If you wish to launch from the Run line, you must use the entire path name followed by the program name (FP123.EXE), followed by the line FP123.BAP. The complete command line should read: D:\FP12311\FP123.EXE FP123.BAP UNINSTALL --------- Uninstall can be used to completely remove all Fisher-Price 1-2-3's files and subdirectories as well as the program group and FP123.INI files. To uninstall Fisher-Price 1-2-3's: 1. Insert your CD into the correct drive. 2. From File Manager, click on the correct drive letter. 3. From File Manager, choose File - Run and type "SETUP UNINSTALL". If you encounter an error message while running uninstall: 1. Check to see that the file "FP123.INI" exists in your Windows directory and that the line "UserDir=" points to the FP123 directory on your hard drive. To delete all Fisher-Price 1-2-3's files manually: 1. Run the Windows File Manager (or other third party file utility) and highlight the "FP123" directory. Then choose File Delete from the menu options. 2. Locate the file "FP123.INI" in the Windows directory and delete it. 3. From Program Manager (or third party shell) highlight the Fisher-Price 1-2-3's program group (while minimized) and choose Delete from the File menu. Archived by OldGamesDownload.com on 12th September, 2020