Hired Team: TRIAL GOLD Read Me file ------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------ This document contains last minute changes and notes not covered in the user's manual for Hired Team: Trial. 1. System Requirements/Installation 2. Running The Game 3. Dedicated server 4. Console 5. Feedback, tech-support Hired Team: TRIAL is multiplayer/singleplayer First Person Shooter where player is to fight against human or computer controlled opponents. Player may choose different multiplayer game types: such as deathmatch, team deathmatch or team cooperative games to play via Internet or LAN. ----------------------------------- 1. System Requirements/Installation ----------------------------------- To play Hired Team: TRIAL you'll absolutely need: - Windows 95/98 or Windows NT compatible OS - DirectX7 drivers for Win9x/Win2K, or DirectSound for WinNT installed. - about 100 Mbytes of free HD space - 64 Mbytes of RAM - at least Pentium II 300 or AMD K6-3 333 CPU - OpenGL OR Direct 3D compatible accelerator (most of modern video cards fits this requirement) The recommended configuration is following: - Pentium II 400 and higher OR AMD Athlon CPU - nVidia's GeForce video card The Hired Team: Trial game was tested with different video-cards from different manufacters, however we cannot guarantee the full compatibility with your 3D card. In case of incorrect game's operation please contact your hardware vendor for drivers update. The game is fully compatible with following chipsets: 1. nVidia Riva TNT, TNT2, GeForce, GeForce2 (MX, GTS). 2. Matrox G400, G450. 3. 3DFx Voodoo3, Voodoo4, Voodoo5 Known issues/bugs: 1. The ability to play on a system without network installed can be only achieved through installing TCP/IP networking components, see FAQ for details how to install such components. 2. To enable the "bump-mapping" feature on nVidia GeForce and GeForce2 chipsets you should do the following: - run SETUP.EXE utility; - switch on the "NV_register_combiners" extension; - set the 32-bit depth video mode with 8-bit alphadepth; - set the "bump-mapping" option. ----------------------------------- 2. Running The Game ----------------------------------- You may tweak or customize game/controls anytime via ingame menu. Just press Escape key to get access to ingame menu. To get back to the game choose correspond menu key. Since Render Options section is configured automaticly for maximum performance we do not recommend tweak it, otherwise tweaking may cause performance/video quality losses. HT: Trial fully supports ACT-Labs Guns game manipulators. You may calibrate your guns via "Settings->Calibrate" option. Please note: first time game will automaticly launch itself with minimum graphics options. To get more from game render, please configure video options, screen resolution, etc. from ingame menu. For 3Dfx based chipsets (Voodoo, Banshee) or other older chipsets we advise to remove weapons with hands from your field of view by choosing Settings -> Game settings -> Show weapons. This should increase framerate greatly. For G400 or G450 chipsets we strongly advise Direct 3D render instead OpenGL with EMBM (environment map bump-mapping) turned on. If you choosed OpenGL mode we recommend turn shot marks and blood splash off. If you have 32-bits video mode turned on you may wish to turn sky textures off for great framerate boost. This especially fits for all videocards without DDR memory support. You may run map cycled servers with "mapsloop name" console command (w/o quotes), where "name" is script name. Script called name.txt should be plased in Maps folder of your HT: Trial directory). For example: command "mapsloop maps" from console will run script called maps.txt in Maps folder. To change map to the next one just type: nextmap from console. --------------------------- Frequently asked Questions --------------------------- Q: How can I run HTT singleplayer mode, without LAN or Internet connection? When I try to load current level the game awaits connection and freezed. My PC is OK and it's not hanging up, but the game doesn't run, help! A: To play HTT, even in singleplayer mode, i.e. without any connection, you needed TCP/IP protocols installed on your PC. If it's not installed, please do following: 1. Press Start button, go to Settings/Control panel shortcut and click it twice. 2. New menu will pop up, press Add/Remove Hardware button. 3. Choose Net Adapter button, then Add button 4. Choose Microsoft from vendors list, then choose Dial Up controller from Adapter-controllers list. 5. Press OK, you will return to the Network menu. 6. Once again press Add button, then from Component Choosing menu choose protocol. Press "Add" or "Install" 7. In the Vendors List choose Microsoft, in the protocol list choose TCP/IP, then press OK button. 8. In the "Network" press OK button. ----------------------------------- 3. Dedicated server ----------------------------------- To start "Hired Team" game dedicated server you should run Shine.exe with "-dedicated [playersnum]" command line parameter, where playersnum is maximum client numbers allowed, this argument is optional, the default value is 16. After dedicated server being started, use "lev [levelname]" command similar to console command, for example "lev halls", to start a game. To quit the program use the "quit" console command. Dedicated server can be only started from command line - there's no option/ command available from GUI. The Setup program will add a special dedicated server shortcut to the program group. Please note that no bots available for this moment when running dedicated server. ----------------------------------- 4. Console ----------------------------------- The game console is similar to that you can find in others 3D FPS in general - it activates/deactivates by tilda key '~', got the input line and some commands/ outputs history. The console commands should help advanced user to run this game more smoothly and perform some tweakage. scr_drawinterface 0 | 1 draw user interface on in-game screen. useful when doing some screenshots. scr_drawfps 0 | 1 outputs current host framerate it the upper-left corner. r_skyflat 0 | 1 when 1 draws flat-filled sky instead of textured one, should help to increase performance. r_skyquality 0 | 1 almost as previous one. r_sunflares 0 | 1 controls appearing of lense effect from sun, set 0 to encrease performance. r_coronas 0 | 1 effect of blinding from light sources, set 0 to encrease performance. r_usebumpmap 0 | 1 controls the applying of bump-mapping, set 0 to encrease performance. r_noportals 0 | 1 controls the appearing of portal effect, set 1 to encrease performance. r_nofog 0 | 1 controls the appearing of fog effect, set 1 to encrease performance. r_nofogtess 0 | 1 controls the quality of fog effect, set 1 to encrease performance. r_shadows 0 | 1 controls the appearing of shadow effect from players, set 0 to encrease performance. r_detailtextures 0 | 1 controls the appearing of micro-textures on surfaces when looking close at them, set 0 to encrease performance. r_dynamiclights 0 | 1 controls the applying of dynamical light sources such as explosions, etc.,set 0 to encrease performance. r_nolightstyles 0 | 1 controls the way how the dynamical light sources appear in the scene, set 1 to encrease performance. r_curves 0 | 1 controls the appearing of curved surfaces in the world, set 0 to encrease performance. r_texprocedures 0 | 1 controls the appearing of procedural textures such as water, etc.,set 0 to encrease performance. r_texture_filter_anisotropic 0 | 1 controls the quality of textured surfaces in the scene, set 0 to encrease performance. r_noparticles 0 | 1 controls the appearing of particle effects in the world such as explosions traces, blood traces, rocket trails, etc., set 1 to encrease performance. r_trees 0 | 1 controls the appearing of trees in the world, set 0 to encrease performance. r_hwlights 0 | 1 apply hardware lighting if supported, set 1 to encrease performance. r_simplemipmaps 0 | 1 use the simplyfied mip-mapping scheme, set 1 to encrease performance. cl_yawspeed (float value) controls the speed of horisontal mouse movement. cl_pitchspeed (float value) controls the speed of vertical mouse movement. cl_alwaysrun 0 | 1 controls the speed of instant player movement. cl_indentifytarget 0 | 1 controls the appearing of name near the crosshair when looking at other player. cl_name (string) players name. cl_color (integer value) set the players team. could be 0 for no team, 1 for blue, 2 for red. cl_model (string) set the name of current model using for player presentation in the world. cl_crosshairtype (integer value) set the form of cursor, use the 0-based enumeration. cg_nomarks 0 | 1 controls the appearing of marks on walls from explosions, shots, etc., set 1 for better performance. cg_marktime 0 | 1 controls the amount of time within the shot mark stays visible, set the smallest value to encrease performance. cg_blood 0 | 1 controls the appearing of blood marks/traces from player gibblets, set 0 to encrease performance. cg_gibs 0 | 1 controls the appearing of player gibblest itself, set 0 to encrease performance. cg_iconitems 0 | 1 controls the appearing of game items (sprites instead models), set 1 to encrease performance. cg_brasstrail 0 | 1 controls appearing of smoky trails after the ejected brass, set 0 to encrease performance. cg_nosplash 0 | 1 controls the effect of splashing when something hits the water surface, set 1 to encrease performance. cg_noshadows 0 | 1 controls appearing of shadows from objects in the world, set 1 to encrease performance. cg_cartridgecasetime (float value) controls the time within the ejected case exists in the world, set the smallets value to encrease performance. cg_smoketrail 0 | 1 controls the appearing of smoke leaved by greande/rocket, set 0 to encrease performance. v_drawgun 0 | 1 controls the appearing of current weapon model, set 0 to encrease performance. m_filter 0 | 1 controls the mouse movement, set 1 to make it's more smooth. ----------------------------------- 5. Feedback, tech-support ----------------------------------- If you encounter any problems you may contact our Fax-Hotline: 0049 - 35204 - 60249 Please give us as detailed information as possible, including your system configuration (OS, CPU, Graphics Adapter, DirectX Version etc.). If you want to have more information, please visit our website: www.hiredteamgold.com © 2001 by magnussoft, Zum Alten Dessauer 13, 01723 Kesselsdorf, Germany www.magnussoft.de Copyright © 2001 WalkOn media publishing, Duisburg. www.walkon.de Original Copyright © 2001 New Media Generation, all rights reserved. www.nmg.ru Archived by OldGamesDownload.com on 12th September, 2020