Links Extreme README.TXT 5/1/99 Visit our websites for further updates and information about Links Extreme at 1. PRODUCT SUPPORT FOR LINKS EXTREME If you are having problems with Links Extreme, please use the Manual, or the On-Line Help before calling our product support department. We have tried to cover a broad range of potential questions and problems. Try the HINTS and TIPS section, the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS section, and the TROUBLE SHOOTING and TECHNICAL SUPPORT section. If you can't find answers to your problems in the On-Line Help you can contact us for technical support over the web at: or by phone at: In the U.S.: (800) 793-8324 (6:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Pacific time) In Canada: (425) 635-7178 (6:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Pacific time) Please see help for more information about our product support policies and contact numbers outside of North America. 2. AUTOMATIC CRASH RECOVERY To make sure that any crash is fully recoverable, Links Extreme has a built-in Automatic (Emergency) Save feature. The last two games you were playing, whether terminated normally or not, are saved as LASTGAME and OLDLAST. You can resume either of these games by simply clicking on the RESUME button in the middle of the Links Extreme main menu screen. If a crash occurs, simply restart Links Extreme as usual. When the game starts, it will recognize that an abnormal termination occurred and will ask you if you want to resume the previous game. If you say YES, it will automatically resume LASTGAME. If you say NO, you can still re-enter the game later by clicking the RESUME button and then selecting LASTGAME from the list of saved games. Of course, if you start a new game, it will take the place of LASTGAME and LASTGAME will take the place of OLDLAST. The previous version of OLDLAST will be erased. If resuming your LASTGAME continues to crash, try restarting Windows. 3. RUNNING OTHER APPLICATIONS WITH LINKS EXTREME Due to the requirements the Links Extreme imposes on your system, it is not recommended that you run any applications in the background while Links Extreme is running. This may cause the program to not run smoothly or even cause errors. 4. MASTER VOLUME UNDER WINDOWS NT The Direct Sound component of DirectX does not allow the setting of the master volume for the individual games. To adjust the overall sound in the game you must adjust it with the volume levels in the Multimedia applet in Control Panel. 5. NOTES FROM MICROSOFT DIRECTX 6 - DXREADME.TXT DATED 7/27/98 - The latest drivers for US Robotics modems can cause problems hosting a session. This is a bug in the drivers. - Disconnecting the phone line while enumerating modem sessions can result in lock ups. 6. PROBLEMS WITH IPX PLAY WITH DIRECTX THROUGH VERSION 6.1 All versions of DirectX through DX6.1 do not guarantee the delivery of IPX data. This is a problem that may be fixed in a future version of DirectX. We have chosen to leave in the IPX method of playing Links Extreme for those that have no other method of network play. 7. HARDWARE/SOFTWARE CONFLICT ISSUES Symptoms: - When I run Setup.exe on my system, which has Microsoft Outlook 98 running and is connected to a Microsoft Exchange Server, the setup initialization reaches 100%, but then nothing happens. If I wait a long time, the first dialog box appears and the installation proceeds normally. Cause : - This problem occurs due to some timing issues between Setup.exe and the Microsoft Exchange Server. Solution: - Close Outlook 98 before running Setup.exe. Generally, you should not have any other applications running when you run an installation. Symptoms: - Washed out display - Mouse cursor vanishing at odd times Cause : - Incompatible or outdated video drivers. Solution: - Update your video drivers. Symptoms: - No MIDI music, even when enabled. Cause : - Incorrectly configured MIDI. Solution: - Reinstall/upgrade sound drivers. Cause : - MIDI does not work correctly on some NT systems. Solution: - No solution known. Symptoms: - Desire to whack anyone playing banjo with golf ball. - Course marshalls bar you from local course for attaching fishing line to opponent's golf balls and attaching other end to golf cart. - Local butcher offers you job as meat tenderizer after seeing you drive a ball into a cow in Links Extreme. - You get an excessive craving for Armadillo Burgers. Cause : - Addicted to Links Extreme. Solution: - Try Links LS 1999 Edition. Symptoms: - Sluggish response in driving range. Cause : - Low memory (RAM). Solution: - Increase memory (RAM). Cause : - Software wavetable MIDI or other high bandwidth MIDI driver. Solution: - Change driver to general MIDI or disable software wavetable. - Turn MIDI off within Links Extreme. Cause : - Extremely fragmented hard drive. Solution: - (Windows 95/98/2000) Run supplied disk defragmenter. - (Windows NT 4.0) Run third-party disk defragmenter. Cause : - Low hard drive space. Solution: - Uninstall unused programs. Symptoms: - Visual anomalies (course graphics appearing over dialogs, etc.) - on Multi-processor Windows NT systems. Cause : - Video drivers receiving graphics commands in arbitrary order. Solution: - Install newest version of video drivers. Symptoms: - Sound stuttering, repeating, or sound contains static Cause : - This can be caused if Power Management is enabled and "kicks in" while Links Extreme is running. Solution: - Disable Power Management features within the Control Panel and/or your system BIOS. 8. MSN GAMING ZONE If you'd like to play against opponents over the Internet, check out the Microsoft Gaming Zone at 9. OTHER QUESTIONS The Links Extreme CD is required to be in the CD drive to play any of the single player components or the driving range, and is required to host a multiplayer game. However, you can spawn copies of Links Extreme so that your friends can play multiplayer games with you without owning a copy of the game. The only requirement in spawning is that you copy the courses over to the hard drive during setup. We recommend going through the lessons included in the game. For access to the lessons from the main menu, push the HELP button at the bottom of the screen, then press the LESSONS button at the top. For access to the lessons during gameplay, go down to the MENU tab, and select LESSONS. We recommend that you do not leave Links Extreme playing unattended for an excessive length of time. Links Extreme is designed to take full advantage of a technique known as "multithreading," which allows for much faster screen redraws and physics calculations. Unfortunately, multithreading is extremely sensitive to the timing of your individual system. If extra applications are running in the background, or power management (either in the operating system or from your motherboard) "kicks in" during your game, the timers that Links Extreme requires to run properly may be off, and your game experience may not be as enjoyable as it would be otherwise. No crocodiles or zombies were harmed in the making of Links Extreme. We hope you enjoy playing Links Extreme as much as we enjoyed making it.