******************* Release Notes for Matchbox Rescue Rigs ******************* ********************************************************************************** Contents: 1. Game description 2. Controls 3. Playing tips 4. System Requirements 5. Technical Notes and Troubleshooting 6. Sound problems 7. Customer Support 8. Legal Notices ********************************************************************************** 1. Game Description: Control many different vehicles as you search and rescue throughout twelve exciting environments! Each vehicle has a different task to complete in each environment. You will use your different vehicles to clear dangerous roadblocks, capture vicious animals, put out disastrous fires and rescue people that need your help! As you explore each environment, look for special question marks that hang above interesting structures. Click on these question marks to find hidden pictures of Matchbox search and rescue vehicles. If you find all of the different hidden pictures of Matchbox Search and Rescue vehicles, you will unlock the final level for each environment, and you will be able to use an actual Matchbox Rescue Rig! And remember, the game is timed. You only have a certain amount of time to complete the objectives. So hurry up and do some rescuing! ********************************************************************************** 2. Controls: Keyboard ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Up Up Arrow or W key Move Down Down Arrow or S key Move Right Right Arrow or D key Move Left Left Arrow or A key Help Arrows Spacebar Quit Mission ESC Key Quit Game to Windows Alt - F4 (hold Alt and Press F4) The Mouse can also be used to move the vehicles throughout the environments. Simply move the cursor to a location that the vehicle can travel on, push the right or left mouse button and the vehicle will move to that location. If you hold down the right or left mouse button, the vehicle will continually drive towards the direction of the cursor. You can also find hidden pictures of vehicles in every environment by moving the cursor over certain objects that contain three question marks. When these question marks are found, move the cursor over the picture and press the right or left mouse button. This will uncover one of the hidden vehicles from the Reward Screen! Find all of the hidden vehicles within each row of levels and unlock a bonus fourth level! ********************************************************************************** 3. Playing Tips Press the Spacebar and follow the green arrows if you get lost on a map. This will help you find the objective you need to complete with your current vehicle. Click on the MAP button at the bottom right-hand side of the screen to open up the map screen. Look at the map to find the location of the different objectives that need to be completed. If you can't open up a fourth level, go to the picture reward screen in the level select menu. Remember you need to find all the pictures within a picture reward screen to open up the fourth level. Once you have found all of the pictures, it will open up the fourth level and you will be able to play one of the Rescue Rigs! Remember, you don't have to follow the green arrows to your objective. The game can be played in any order you want! If you finish the game and wish to play it again, just go to the options menu and press restart game. This will relock all of the levels and you'll be able to play again! ********************************************************************************** 4. System Requirements Before you install Matchbox Rescue Rigs, you should make sure that your computer meets the following hardware and software requirements. You should have: 1. A Pentium 200 PC or higher 2. A 4x CD-ROM drive or higher 3. 190 megabytes of hard disk space available 4. 32 megabytes of RAM or higher 5. A Sound Blaster compatible sound card 6. Color Monitor 7. A mouse and keyboard 8. Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98 9. A 16 Bit Video Card or better ********************************************************************************** 5. Technical Notes and Troubleshooting Make sure you have the latest drivers for your video/sound card. Microsoft(r) provides a utility to get DirectX(r) and driver information and a link to this program has been installed on the Start Menu. Check the card manufacturer's website for driver updates. Here are the websites for some of the more common video cards: ATI - www.ati.com Matrox - www.matrox.com NVIDIA - www.nvidia.com 3dfx - www.3dfx.com Known Issues ------------ Sound files have been known to cut off if they are played at the same time when using a Soundmax integrated chipset. During actual gameplay, some of the sound effects occasionally cut off as another action is performed that has prompted a sound effect. With AWE64 on systems running WinME the sound has been known to cut out completely. We have found that reserving IRQ 5 in the BIOS for the slot that the sound card resides in seems to resolve this issue in most cases. The game has been known to be unable to read the setup file when using a Goldstar CRD-8160B. When clicking on the setup.exe the user receives the following message 'Not a valid Win32 Executable'. When running Windows 95 please make sure that your monitor is set to 16 bit color and is running at 640 x 480. To change your settings simply right click your desktop and click on properties. Click on the settings tab and make sure the Screen area is set to 640 X 480 and Colors is set to High Color (16 bit). You may have to restart your computer after applying these changes. ********************************************************************************** 6. Sound Problems Make sure you have the latest drivers versions. Please contact your retailer or your sound card's manufacturer to get the latest drivers. There are known issues with certain ISA sound cards that may cause the sound to play incorrectly. In the event of receiving any of these sound problems try using the Line out port as opposed to using the Speaker port. ********************************************************************************** 7. Customer Service If you are having problems running Rescue Rigs and need to contact customer service, go to http://www.thq.com/support/ or e-mail at support@thq.com. If you wish, you can also contact us by phone. Our technical support specialists can be reached at 818-880-0456. ********************************************************************************** 8. Legal Notices THQ Inc. Software License Agreement 1.READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING THE PROGRAM. THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU (AN INDIVIDUAL OR A SINGLE ENTITY "YOU") ON ONE HAND, AND THQ INC. AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES (COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO AS "COMPANY") ON THE OTHER HAND, FOR THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT ENTITLED "MATCHBOX RESCUE RIGS," WHICH INCLUDES COMPUTER SOFTWARE AND ANY ASSOCIATED MEDIA, PRINTED MATERIALS, AND/OR "ONLINE" OR ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTATION (TOGETHER CALLED THE "PROGRAM"). BY INSTALLING, COPYING, OR OTHERWISE USING THE PROGRAM (OR, IN THE EVENT YOU HAVE PURCHASED THE PROGRAM AS CONTAINED ON A CD-ROM, BY OPENING THE PACKAGING MATERIALS THEREOF), YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE PROGRAM AND DELETE ALL COPIES IN YOUR POSSESSION. 2.Company grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Program, but retains all property rights in the Program and all copies thereof. You may: (i) use the Program on any supported computer configuration, provided the Program is used on only one (1) such computer; and (ii) permanently transfer the Program and its documentation to another user provided you retain no copies and the recipient agrees to the terms of this Agreement. You may not transfer, distribute, rent, sub-license, or lease the Program or documentation, except as provided herein; or alter, modify, or adapt the Product or documentation, or portions thereof. 3.You acknowledge that the Program in source code form remains a confidential trade secret of Company. You agree not to modify or attempt to reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Program, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. 4.OWNERSHIP: All right, title and interest and intellectual property rights in and to the Program (including but not limited to any titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialog, catch phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, images, photographs, animations, video, sounds, audio-visual effects, music, musical compositions, text and "applets," incorporated into the Program), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the Program, are owned by Company or its licensors. This Agreement grants you no rights to use such content other than as part of the Program. All rights not expressly granted under this Agreement are reserved by Company. 5.This Agreement is effective upon your installation of the Program and shall continue until revoked by Company or until you breach any term hereof; upon termination you agree to destroy or delete all copies of the Program in your possession. 6.You shall not modify the Program or merge the Program into another computer program (except to the extent the Program is made to operate within a computer operating system and in connection with other computer programs) or create derivative works based upon the Program. 7.The Program may not be downloaded or otherwise exported or re-exported into (or to a national or resident of) any country to which the U.S. has embargoed goods or to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department's Table of Deny Orders. If you do not meet these criteria or are not sure, do not install the software and destroy any copies in your possession. If you live in such a country, no license is granted hereunder. 8.You are responsible for assessing your own computer and the results to be obtained therefrom. YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT USE OF THE PROGRAM IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS," "AS AVAILABLE" BASIS, UNLESS SUCH WARRANTIES ARE LEGALLY INCAPABLE OF EXCLUSION. EXCEPT WITH RESPECT TO THE LIMITED CD-ROM WARRANTY AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 9 BELOW, COMPANY AND ITS LICENSORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, AND THOSE ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, REGARDING THE PROGRAM. COMPANY AND ITS LICENSORS ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY YOU, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF DATA, ITEMS OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM ERRORS OR OTHER MALFUNCTIONS CAUSED BY COMPANY, ITS LICENSORS, LICENSEE AND/OR SUBCONTRACTORS, OR BY YOUR OR ANY OTHER PARTICIPANT'S OWN ERRORS AND/OR OMISSIONS. Company and its licensors make no warranty with respect to any related software or hardware used or provided by Company in connection with the Program except as expressly set forth above. 9.LIMITED CD-ROM WARRANTY: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, and solely with respect to Programs distributed on CD-ROM, Company warrants to the original consumer purchaser of this Program on CD-ROM that the recording medium on which the Program is recorded will be free from defects in material and workmanship for 90 days from the date of purchase. If the recording medium is found defective within 90 days of original purchase, Company agrees to replace, free of charge, any product discovered to be defective within such period upon its receipt of the product, postage paid, with proof of the date of purchase, as long as the Program is still being manufactured by Company. In the event that the Program is no longer available, Company retains the right to substitute a similar program of equal or greater value. This warranty is limited to the recording medium containing the Program as originally provided by Company and is not applicable to normal wear and tear. This warranty shall not be applicable and shall be void if the defect has arisen through abuse, mistreatment, or neglect. Any implied warranties prescribed by statute are expressly limited to the 90-day period described above. To receive warranty service: Notify the THQ Customer Service Department of the problem requiring warranty service by calling (818) 871-880-0456 or on the web at http://www.thq.com. If the THQ service technician is unable to solve the problem by phone or on the web via e-mail, he will authorize you to return the Product, at your risk of damage, freight and insurance prepaid by you, together with your dated sales slip or similar proof-of-purchase within the ninety (90) day warranty period to: THQ Inc., Customer Service Department, 27001 Agoura Road, Suite 325, Calabasas Hills, CA 91301. Company is not responsible for unauthorized returns of the Program and reserves the right to send such unauthorized returns back to customers. This warranty shall not be applicable and shall be void if: (a) the defect in the Program has arisen through abuse, unreasonable use, mistreatment or neglect; (b) the Program is used with computer software and hardware not meeting the minimum systems requirements for the Program; (c) the Program is used for commercial purposes (including rental); (d) the Program is modified or tampered with; or (e) the Program's serial number has been altered, defaced or removed. Licensor will replace defective media at no charge as set forth above. This is your sole and exclusive remedy for any breach of warranty. 10.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT COMPANY AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT ASSUME OR HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY ACTION BY COMPANY OR ITS CONTENT PROVIDERS, OTHER PARTICIPANTS OR OTHER LICENSORS WITH RESPECT TO CONDUCT, COMMUNICATION OR CONTENT OF THE PROGRAM. COMPANY AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE, OR MALFUNCTION OF THE PROGRAM, INCLUDING DAMAGES TO PROPERTY, LOSS OF GOODWILL, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION AND, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURIES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, COMPANY'S AND ITS LICENSORS' ENTIRE LIABILITY TO YOU AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANY BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENT IS LIMITED SOLELY TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR THE PROGRAM, IF ANY. BECAUSE SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CERTAIN DAMAGES, IN SUCH STATES COMPANY'S AND ITS LICENSORS' LIABILITY IS LIMITED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. 11.INJUNCTION. Because Company would be irreparably damaged if the terms of this License Agreement were not specifically enforced, you agree that Company shall be entitled, without bond, other security or proof of damages, to appropriate equitable remedies with respect to breaches of this Agreement, in addition to such other remedies as Company may otherwise have under applicable laws. 12.INDEMNITY. At Company's request, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Company, its affiliates, contractors, officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, licensees, distributors, content providers, and other users of the Program, from all damages, losses, liabilities, claims and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising directly or indirectly from your acts and omissions to act in using the Program pursuant to the terms of this License Agreement or any breach of this License Agreement by you. Company reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you hereunder, and in such event, you shall have no further obligation to provide indemnification for such matter. 13.U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The Program and documentation have been developed entirely at private expense and are provided as "Commercial Computer Software" or "restricted computer software." Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government or a U.S. Government subcontractor is subject to the restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clauses in DFARS 252.227-7013 or as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clauses at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. The Contractor / Manufacturer is THQ Inc., 27001 Agoura Road, Suite 325, Calabasas Hills, CA 91301. 14.TERMINATION. Without prejudice to any other rights of Company, this License Agreement and your right to use the Program may automatically terminate without notice from Company if you fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement or any terms and conditions associated with the Program. In such event, you must destroy all copies of this Program and all of its component parts. 15.GENERAL PROVISIONS. You may not use, copy, modify, sublicense, rent, sell, assign or transfer the rights or obligations granted to you in this Agreement, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. Any assignment in violation of this Agreement is void, except that you may transfer your Program to another person provided that person accepts the terms of this License Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable, and such decision shall not affect the enforceability of: (i) such provision under other circumstances, or (ii) the remaining provisions hereof under all circumstances. Company's failure to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement shall in no way be construed to be a present or future waiver of such provisions, nor in any way affect the right of any party to enforce each and every such provision thereafter. The express waiver by Company of any provision, condition or requirement of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any future obligation to comply with such provision, condition or requirement. Notwithstanding anything else in this Agreement, no default, delay or failure to perform on the part of Company shall be considered a breach of this Agreement if such default, delay or failure to perform is shown to be due to causes beyond the reasonable control of Company. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California and the United States without regard to its conflicts of laws rules and you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts in Los Angeles County, California. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement. This Agreement represents the complete agreement concerning this License Agreement between you and Company. Matchbox, logo, the color "Matchbox orange," and associated trademarks are owned by and used under license from Mattel, Inc. (C)2001 Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Developed and Produced by Prolific Publishing, Inc. Uses Smacker Video Technology. Copyright © 1994-2001 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. Published and distributed exclusively by THQ Inc. THQ and the THQ logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Inc. All Rights Reserved. Uses Smacker Video Technology. Copyright © 1994-2001 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. *************************************************************************************************